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Christmas is Coming! What's New and Exiting Thing You can do this Year?

"Hope this Christmas fill your heart with joy." Christmas is all about enjoying a day with your family member perhaps of your busy and hectic life. You may think every year it comes and What's new ? This year again it will come and go. Make this Christmas memorable just by doing few little things. Most probably you are wondering what it should be.

Today, I am going to tell you some ideas what you can do in this Christmas?

Do something for needy one - Every year you buy lot of gifts for your family and friends. This year you may think of buying Gifts for those who need help and put your friend's name on the gift. This way, you can create awareness and get some blessings also. For example - Clothes for poor people, school bags and books for orphan kids etc.


Give gifts to some unknown people - If you gift to an unknown person like shopkeeper near your home or a watchman with Christmas card, nobody is going to say "no". It doesn't matter what's cost of the gift, it's about sharing happiness and joy with everyone.

Make this Christmas a family occasion - Most of us spend a lot of time at work. It is better to a day off from all the hectic schedules and work & spend some time with your lovable family members.

Participate in Carols - Don't only listen to music, participate and enjoy the full day. In fact, you can spread the spirit of Christmas with your activity in others also.

Go out and look what others are doing

  • You can go for movie or local theater trope.
  • See street Christmas
  • Visit hospital to see patient or children who don't have any care taker.
  • Try to cook something different by yourself.
  • Call neighbor for brunch at your home

Enjoy your day with others in whatever manner you find happiness. Don't miss any chance of life to spread smile and joy. Happy Christmas to all of my fellow readers.